
Photo Essay Week, 13/07/18

The second group presenting their photos of Lekeitio.

The second group presenting their photos of Lekeitio.

Photo Essay Week, 13/07/18

The first group presenting their photos of Lekeitio.

The first group presenting their photos of Lekeitio.

Make it better: campaign

Although we have plenty of water fountains, it would be helpful to have more water fountains around town, we decided that we need some in the parks, by the town hall and in school, this inspired us to campain for this in Oñati!

Make it better: campaign

We acted out on of the interviews that we had with the local community. the interview that we acted out was the inspiration for our campaign. the people said that the cracks in the floor make the city look less beautiful so we wanted to campaign for them to be filled.

Make it better: campaign

After talking to the people, we decided that we were happy with Oñati already. So, we asked about things that could be made better if they are not perfect. For example, the people said that we should have more places to ride our bikes.

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