Start of week 2 - FILM FESTIVAL

This week will be dedicated to the topic of "Film festival". Thorough the week we will organise our own film festival with all it takes. On Monday, we have talked about famous film festivals and awards (the Oscars, San Sebastian Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival ...). We have watched a few short videos from various opening ceremonies. All the students were able to well describe what they´ve seen in the video, even though the vocabulary was brand new for them. Then we have discussed our favourite films. Even though the students understandably don´t enjoy writing exercises as much as other activites, they were able to correctly write down a few sentences about their favourite films without any major mistakes.

Then we have created a photocall wall. Students have decorated their own giant poster to take photos in front of it. After the photocall was finished, we have done some acting practice - warming up with "Musical statues" and continuing with celebrity photoshoot. One of the students pretended to be a celebrity and other student pretended to be their managers and helped them pose for the photocall (see enclosed pictures).

We have continued with our acting practice - students have tried various games of improvsation theatre - games that involve creative thinking, fast reactions and also physical practice. Some of the students struggle to pay attention while not being fully involved in the activity (eg. being audience for one round of the game), however, when directly participating all of them are marvellous.

On Tuesday we have focused on more preparations for our film festival. First, we have created questions for the celebrity interviews (mainly practising so called WH question - Who, Where, Why, When, What...). Once again, students really struggle to keep focused on less enjoyable activity, even though their results in such activity are perfect. 

Another of film festival preparation was to make a trophy for the winner. Because of a slight disagreements between students, we have decided to split into two groups, each group creating their own trophy. Students got amazingly creative as they needed to use only the materials found in our classroom.

In the end, we have started to practise for our final film shooting. A good film festival needs good films! Our two groups are each going to recreate a scene from a film (either the Shrek or the Madagascar). Students were given a script for their scenes and started rehearsing. They have been encouraged to create their own costumes (which we will also do tomorrow) and to get really creative with their own Shrek or Madagascar production. 

Tomorrow, we will get together the last important bits to start the film festival and most importantly, we will shoot our short films! And finally on Thursday, we will go to our very own film festival with all it takes - celebrity interviews, films and lots of photos and videos for you.